Rank Advancement
The advancement progression in Scouts BSA follows a logical sequence from the lowest rank, the scout, to the highest Rank the Eagle. During this progression, scouts are expected, and will fulfill, more demanding requirements as they mature and grow older. In this way, the scouts grow with the program and build confidence and competence. When a scout is ready for advancement to a new rank, they need to have completed all the requirements for the rank and participate in a scout initiated Scoutmaster's Conference. This can be held with any available ASM or Scoutmaster. Scouts should be courteous and contact a Scoutmaster before a meeting to arrange a Scoutmaster conference. Answers to some frequently asked questions can be found HERE.
Board of Review Sign Up Link:
Board of Review (all ranks except Eagle)
Scouts Working on Star, Life, and Eagle
Leadership Records:
1) Print out the appropriate tab for your leadership position from the link HERE,
2) Fill it out every month, and
3) Have the appropriate Staff or adult leader initial each item when complete.
Life to Eagle Information:
Watch the Life to Eagle Video HERE
The PowerPoint from the Life to Eagle Presentation details the steps required to advance from the rank of Life to Eagle.
Life to Eagle PowerPoint
Steps to Follow for Your Eagle Project:
1. Check around for projects.
Use your imagination. Think about things you are interested in and how organizations could benefit from it. Ask around your school or church. The Eagle Project needs to help any religious institution, school, or your community. Your project must present an opportunity for planning, development, and leadership. Where to get ideas:
a. Church
b. School
c. Community association
d. Internet
2. Discuss project ideas with the organization
Meet with the organization you are interested in helping and come up with ideas. Things to consider:
a. Determine if the project is feasible
b. Develop ideas with organization, be open to suggestions and be creative
c. Download the Eagle Project book and start filling it out:
3. Discuss ideas with Scout Leaders
Once you've come up with ideas and have met with the organization that will benefit, then come talk to the Troop's leaders. We will discuss your ideas with you and make sure that there are opportunities for you to demonstrate your leadership. Remember, you are not just supplying manual labor. Find Troop resources for information and help. Talk with these leaders:
a. Steve Willis
b. John Roberts
c. Mike Rodriggs
4. After your initial idea has been okayed, you can fill out your PROPOSAL in the Eagle Project Book.
a. This is NOT a guarantee that the project will be approved. This is you putting more details into what the project will be.
b. Fill out the first section of your Eagle Project workbook
c. Discuss this with the beneficiary.
i. Work with the organization you are doing the project for and ensure that they agree
ii. Consider additional steps necessary:
1. Presentations to any of the organization's boards for approval
2. Additional Costs
3. Timeframe and schedules
d. Determine if a fundraising form needs to be filled out and signed by Council Representative
i. This has to be taken downtown for signatures
ii. Talk with any of the Troop's Leaders to determine if you need to fill this out. (If you are just using mulch money or getting donations from hardware stores you do not.)
6. GET SCOUTMASTER SIGNATURE (Steve Willis is fine too)
a. May require further thought
b. May require enhancements or additional work
c. Remember, your project must present an opportunity for planning, development, and leadership.
In an effort to streamline the process and make it easier on everyone, there is a link (Requesting Approval of an Eagle Project) that now resides on the Sam Houston Area Council Web Page and is to be used when a scout needs to get his project approved at the San Jacinto District level.
To get to the two links:
· Go to the S.H.A.C.'s web page
· Select Districts
· Select San Jacinto
· Select Resources
· Select Awards / Advancement, scroll down the page and you will find the link.
Or use the below link:
And fill out the link.
You can only do this after you have completed steps 5, 6, and 7.
a. This is outlined in the project work book so you need to read it
b. You run the risk of not having an approved project
c. You cannot do a Scoutmaster conference for Eagle unless you have those four signatures
10. Please see step 9 above. Do not proceed until step 9 is done. Really!
11. Did you finish step 9? Yes? Ok. Now work your project schedule and plan!
a. Send emails to troop email address soliciting help. Talk with the troop at Troop Meetings about your project.
b. Have scouts that are available to help you contact you so you know if you have enough volunteers. In the past, scouts have just sent out e-mails and hoped for the best. Don't make this mistake! Make sure you have enough volunteers! Volunteers do not have to be scouts. They can be classmates, friends, and relatives too.
c. Keep track of how much time is spent on your project, both from you and all your volunteers.
d. Keep track of all your costs for the project.
e. Take photographs of your project
12. Complete the project! Once done:
i. Please get this taken care of before your SM Conference for Eagle.
ii. You must have the entire Project workbook filled out.
Eagle Project Approval Process:
In an effort to streamline the process and make it easier on everyone, there is a form that now resides on the Sam Houston Area Council's Web Page and is to be used when a scout needs to get their project approved at the San Jacinto District level. This form can be found at http://san-jacinto.shac.org/request-eagle-scout-project-review. This request for approval of an Eagle Scout project (to be used by the Scout) should be completed AFTER Troop Leadership and the Project Benefactor have approved the project in writing. The scout will be contacted by the District Advancement Representative.