Merit Badge Information
Earning Merit Badges gives scouts the opportunity to try a lot of different experiences and fields of study. Most Merit Badges are earned at Summer and Winter camps with the troop, while some of the more advanced ones are typically earned by the scout during independent study.
There are more than 135 total Merit Badges recognized by BSA. A scout must earn a total of 21 to earn the Rank of Eagle including these 14 mandatory badges:
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the Society
- Citizenship in the World
- Communication
- Cooking
- Personal Fitness
- Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
- Environmental Science OR Sustainability
- Personal Management
- Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
- Camping
- Family Life
A scout should not go for most Eagle-required merit badges until they are First Class or nearly First Class. Eagle MB’s take more effort and time and we’d rather the scout focus on the basic scout skills for Tenderfoot through First Class. In addition, some merit badges take a level of maturity and fitness that is not typically found in younger scouts. We want to ensure the scouts get the most from their merit badges and that earning them means something to them and the troop. The troop has established the guidelines below for Eagle-required merit badges. It takes approval of the Scoutmaster to take any of these early. A scout can take any of the non-Eagle MB’s any time.
- Citizenship in the Community – 1st Class and age 12
- Citizenship in the Nation – 1st Class and age 13
- Citizenship in the Society – 1st Class and age 13
- Citizenship in the World – 1st Class and age 13
- Communications – 1st Class and age 14
- First Aid – No restrictions
- Emergency Preparedness – Completed First Aid MB
- Environmental Science – No restrictions
- Sustainability – No restrictions
- Personal Fitness – 1st Class and age 14 (note: 3-month activity)
- Personal Management – 1st Class and age 16 (note: 3-month activity)
- Family Life – 1st Class and age 15 (note: 3-month activity)
- Cooking – No restrictions (although the 2nd and 1st Class reqs are not allowed for completion of this MB)
- Camping – No restriction
- Hiking – Age 13
- Cycling – Age 13
- Swimming – No restriction
- Life Saving – Completed Swimming MB
The Troop adults are authorized to teach and sign off on a number of Merit Badges for the Scouts.
The current Merit Badge requirements along with helpful worksheets and details can be found here.
Click the links below for the merit badge records from previous summer camps and winter camps.
Summer Camp Merit Badge Records:
Summer Camp 2018 Rainey Mountain
Summer Camp 2019 Camp Alexander
Winter Camp Merit Badge Records: